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GWC Partners

Wild Cards
Beta Diversidad
Parque Nacional Bahia De Loreto
Baleia Jubarte
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The Cobelfret companies operate a modern, fuel-efficient fleet of owned, long-term and short-term chartered tonnage. 

With a combined fleet of more than 100 vessels from handysize up to capesize bulk carriers, and with offices around the world, we are well-positioned to serve customers globally, providing cost-effective solutions with greater flexibility.

Our proven track record and strong focus on risk management make us a safe choice for your transportation needs.

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Wild Cards

Wildcards is an innovative tech start-up using NFTs to fund wildlife conservation. Wildcards is the first platform to allow continuous, direct and transparent philanthropic commitments to conservation on a global scale.


Only founded a year and a half ago, the tech startup has already raised more than 130,000 USD for wildlife conservation partner organizations throughout Africa, North America, South America, and Asia.


Euro Nav

GWC’s partner Euronav, is a large independent tanker company engaged in the ocean transportation and storage of crude oil.  The Company is headquartered in Antwerp, Belgium, and has offices throughout Europe and Asia. We are thrilled to have a company that is part of the global tanker fleet, to partner with us with the clear intention to operate their vessels in a manner that is as safe as possible for the world’s great whales. Euronav is GWC’s first industry member of our recently launched Whale Guardians program. 

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Beta Diversidad

Together we are working on a massive blue whale project off Mexico's Pacific coast, which will support the creation of a large marine reserve, and an ever larger marine corridor. This corridor will connect all the Marine Protected Areas throughout the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, from the Galapagos to the Sea of Cortez.



CifaMac is an NGO dedicated to studying and protecting the whales in the regions of Mejillones and Antifogasta, Chile.

GWC has supported CifaMac in their data collecting, whale identification, and regulatory recommendations.  CifaMac and GWC are about to release a joint recommendation for large vessels to enter and exit the nine Ports of Mejillones in a whale safe manner.


Parque Nacional Bahia De Loreto

The GWC conducts annual field research on blue and other large whales within the boundaries of and with the permission of the Parque Nacional Bahia de Loreto each February and March. The GWC supplies the parque with maps and data of whale sightings within the parque boundaries and has also assisted the parque in the procurement of whale disentanglement equipment.


Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur

The GWC’s Michael Fishbach and Delphi Waters have conducted field research on blue and other large whales since 1995 under the permit of Dr. Jorge Urban at UABCS.

The GWC shares all large whale data they collect with UABCS in support of their long term research and catalogs in the Sea of Cortez, Baja California, Mexico


Code Mar

CodeMar is the fund that will support all of the GWC’s work with Beta Diversidad which is described in Beta’s partner section.

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Baleia Jubarte Whale Research, Education and Conservation

The GWC has become the Fiscal Sponsor for Baleia Jubarte (BJ) which is the foremost whale research, education and conservation group in the country of Brazil. In BJ’s working area one of the densest concentrations of baleen whales (Humpback whales or Jubarte’s in Portuguese) found anywhere on earth appears each August and September.


The GWC look forward to many collaborations with BJ over the years for the benefit of the whales of Brazil.


Plastic Ocean Project

The GWC has conducted dual live fundraising presentations with POP director Bonnie Montelione as well as participated in forums with POP in venues such as the Women’s National Democratic Club in Washington DC. GWC and POP offer letters of support, data sharing, and conduct interviews for one another and are fully supportive of each other's missions.

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Cascadia Research Collective

Cascadia Research Collective Is a non-profit conducting scientific research and education since 1979. Michael Fishbach (our executive director) has been providing photo identification of the Northeast Pacific blue whale population for 11 years to their research database. Photo identifications of blue whales from Baja, Mexico where Michael conducts his annual field work contribute to the profile of information gathered about this sub-population. Above is the link a profile of a well-known female  Blue Whale from July 2019.


Ocean Alliance

GWC worked with Ocean Alliance to provide field samples for scientific research on micro-plastics in whales; and hosted the “SnotBot” team in Baja while they conduct field work sample collections using the “Snotbot ®” drone – a drone which flies through the blow of a whale and collects exhaled “snot” on petri dishes.

Plastic Ocean Progect
Ocean Alliance

Summary of Project: In 2018, Ocean Alliance collected whale feces from one blue whale while on a Parley SnotBot expedition to the Sea of Cortez, Mexico. Our long-time friends and partner The Great Whale Conservancy then donated 3 more whale feces samples. Initial partner analysis found an astounding amount of microplastics in all four feces samples. Ocean Alliance is now seeking support for the microplastic detection in feces program to collect additional samples from baleen whales from both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans to validate our initial results and publish a scientific paper so as to better inform the public and scientific community on the effects of microplastics in our ocean.






  • Ocean Alliance

  • Great Whale Conservancy

  • Holland Toxicology Laboratory at California State University of Long Beach

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Whale conservation organization 
694 lower browns creek road burnsville NC 28714
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