It is that time of year again. Many great whales have made the long swim into the Sea of Cortez to spend the winter feeding on the rich swarms of krill and nursing their young calves in the protected waters of the Sea off Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula.
The Great Whale Conservancy’s own Michael Fishbach will head down for his 17th season with the blue and other great whale species in their winter home.
Best of all is that Co Director Gershon Cohen will join Michael for part of the season down in Baja.
Michael has identified hundreds of individual blue whales over the years in Baja and considers the town of Loreto and it’s surrounding waters as his second home.
These waters are where the famed rescue of “Valentina” the young entangled Humpback Whale took place on Valentines Day of 2011.
Keep your eyes open for updates on Michael’s sightings and escapades during the upcoming 2013 whale season down in Baja.

A humpback whales dives in front of Danzante Island off the Baja Coast – by Michael Fishbach

Michael stands beneath a towering Cardon Cactus during a lunch stop on Santa Catalana Island, in the Sea of Cortez. The Cardon is the world’s largest cactus.